
Dear Adoptive Family,

Thank you for your recent inquiry concerning adoption of one of our bloodhounds. We have a number of wonderful dogs at our rescue looking for their new “forever” homes. All of our dogs are vet checked, completely vaccinated, tested negative for heartworm and Lyme disease and on preventative for heartworm and intestinal parasites, and spayed or neutered prior to any adoption. We do ask a $250.00 non-refundable adoption fee to offset these costs at the time of final adoption. We do require that you have a fence, and the dog must be maintained primarily as a housepet.

Any dog with potential as a mantrailer has been evaluated for drive, ability to follow a trail to conclusion and acknowledgment of the runner. We test on short “puppy” runaway trails. More advanced training can be arranged upon request.

Once approved, we will set up a time and a date for you to visit our facility and meet our available dogs. If you have other dogs, we strongly encourage you to bring them with you to be certain everyone is properly introduced and gets along.

Please fill out the enclosed application and send it back to me with photographs of your fenced area, and we will get started finding you a match.

Thank you for your interest in our program.Sincerely,

Dr. Marybeth Cline, DVM
Riverside Bloodhound Rescue